The Beth El Men’s Club participates in 3 areas. The first is service to the congregation. We change the prayer books and Torah covers as well as usher for the High Holy Days, and we prepare the break-the-fast- meal following Yom Kippur services. We conduct a Men’s Club Shabbat in which we conduct a Friday night service including reading from Torah. We also sponsor an interfaith dinner as well as help with various congregational events. The Men’s Club sells (our own “home-made”) corn beef sandwiches twice a year throughout the community and gives half of the net revenue each year to the operations fund of the Temple. We have also contributed significant $ to the congregation in recent years to help with renovation of the building, to help defray the cost of the new dishwasher, and to help the Sisterhood purchase a defibrillator. Second, we provide service to the community. We help staff Open Doors, working with people from the Mosque to help feed the homeless during the Christmas season. We provide hot spaghetti lunches twice a year at the Catholic Church as part of their Friendship House Ministries. We also provide Judaica-themed books to local school libraries. The third area in which we participate is fellowship. We have a dinner meeting once a month, including our annual picnic in August.  Three or four times a year our meeting is held in conjunction with a spaghetti dinner we serve to the Lions Club at the Temple. The remaining 7 or 8 meetings are held at different restaurants. Most of what we do is, dare I say, fun and we do this with great honor, fellowship and pride.

Images from the recent Men's Club Judaica book donation to EMHS library: